Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Fast World

I have teenagers. They seem to live on their screens. I do not. My wife, who happens to use social media on occasion, let me know that my blog was sorely out of date. I did not drop off the face of the earth. I did get a website for the bike racks which is www.revivalbikeracks.com. I try to keep that up to date.

I am still making green smoothies. In fact, since we moved off the farm and I don't have easy access to free weeds, I've had to plant more greens. I managed to keep kale over the winter with hoop houses and protection from the deer. I also grew corn salad in the early spring. In the meantime, I grew a lot of wheat grass on the kitchen counter in front of the window. You do what you have to do.

I think now that blogging is something you do when you travel. Short spurts of thought, and stories about interesting things. This will be my last post. I wanted to share ways to keep us healthy while keeping the earth healthy. I see a lot of people doing great work on this. I will continue to do my share.